Accountability Monday (Again…on Tuesday!): NaNOT So Much

To keep ourselves on task with all the things (outside of academia and our day jobs) we’ve decided to join in with Alicia and her accountability posts each Monday. Usually, we’ll share our successes and failures from the previous week and upcoming goals. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in.

November seems to be the month for ERE’Thing. Not only are we both teaching, but Pam’s getting her job interview on, and Quita has a conference to prepare for in CA and two class projects due this month. So…even co-authoring a project doesn’t seem to be the remedy to our # 1 issue, y’all: TIME. Can we please get some more of that?? With all that being said, we still feel like this is true:

So, we might not be on track with NaNo, but that doesn’t mean we’re giving up on this co-authored project. As soon as we find the time, we’ll get back on track and get that book out of us! What about you guys–how’s it going? Also, don’t forget to check out Alicia’s blog!

Accountability Monday (On a Tuesday ;P)

To keep ourselves on task with all the things (outside of academia and our day jobs) we’ve decided to join in with Alicia and her accountability posts each Monday. Usually, we’ll share our successes and failures from the previous week and upcoming goals. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in.

Omigod! We actually started writing, you guys! We didn’t think it was gonna happen but we were able to get at least 2k of our NaNo WIP started and we’re pretty proud of that considering ere’thing else we got going on. On the other hand…our NaNo prep? Yeah, that wasn’t as successful. But who cares? The point is, the writing is commencing and NaNo WILL get done this year. You know why? Because Five Guys is always our prize. And with the thought of having this at the end of the month:

…we’ll find a way to get the words on the page.

What about you guys? How is NaNo going for you so far? Also…remember to check out Alicia’s blog <3!

Accountability Monday (Long Time Coming…): NaNo Update- Realizing it Takes Two

To keep ourselves on task with all the things (outside of academia and our day jobs) we’ve decided to join in with Alicia and her accountability posts each Monday. Usually, we’ll share our successes and failures from the previous week and upcoming goals. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in.

So…we were supposed to do LOTS of things these past few weeks to prep for NaNoWriMo. We even set up this handy dandy NaNo schedule to keep up on track…yeah, that was cute.

Wait, we DO have something to report before you think this post will be all about our failures–we HAVE brainstormed a NaNo idea! Due to the help of one our brilliant writerly friends, Jess Stork, we have decided to collaborate once again. This time we’re going to try our hands at co-writing a YA.

For the sake of being mysterious (at least for now) we’ll just say our YA will have dual POVs and everything will not be what it seems. Mwa ha ha ha…Man, that was perfect for October.

Anyway, we’ve worked out some major plot points, we know who our main characters will be, and we know which POV that we will write. Finally, we also know a little bit about our MCs. However, we need to flesh out a bit more about the story,supporting characters, and overall plot before we follow up on that “simple” NaNo schedule we laid out before.

So, that’s our overdue accountability check in. What’s going on with you all out there. Don’t forget to check out Alicia’s post!

*Also…speaking of overdue, how AWESOME is Adele’s “Hello”? If we had posted a “What We’re Into” post on Friday, it would’ve definitely been a link to that song!*

What We’re Into This Week: Starbucks

In the hopes of trying to keep up with blogging after the end of RSW, we’ve decided to try and do a new weekly feature with Alicia. This feature will be something that we’re vibing on each week. It can be something BIG or small, dealing with writing or not, whatevs. Thus, this week, we’re into:


Why? Because:

  • It’s a great place to write
  • PSL and Salted Caramel Mochas in the fall
  • Peppermint Mochas in the winter (and the awesome seasonal red cup)
  • Frapps in the summer
  • Chai Lattes…whenever
  • Oh, and there are drive thrus when you don’t wanna deal w/ people


  • You can now mobile order! (at least we can)

Seriously? Can it BE any more awesome? What are you into this week?

Perfect Pitching: How to Write a Good Logline (Accountability Monday)

To keep ourselves on task with all the things (outside of academia and our day jobs) we’ve decided to join in with Alicia and her accountability posts each Monday. Usually, we’ll share our successes and failures from the previous week and upcoming goals. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in.

We created a schedule to get ourselves in gear and ready to write before NaNoWriMo last week. The first thing on our agenda this week is to write our loglines. Huh? The last time we had to do that was…like, never?? I mean, Quita did a few Twitter pitches awhile back and Pam might’ve written a pitch like five years ago or sumthin’ but other than that, nothing. So, we decided to do a little bit of research.

From we found this information:

The best way to think about loglines is to consider the following:

1) Connect your character to your audience

2) Connect your plot to the market

From RWA San Diego we liked the following templates for actually penning the logline:

Author Stacey Nash sees the logline as three sentences in which you sum up the plot of your story answering these basic questions:

● Who is your main character?
● What does he/she want? What is his/her goal?
● Why does he/she want this (motivation)?
● What are the obstacles in his/her way?
● What makes the story unique?

Cindy Carroll (screenwriter and author) recommends using one of these structures to answer the address the elements of the logline.

● To stop A, character B must do C, but D happens.

● When A happens, character B must take some action (C), but D happens.

● Character B does something, then when A happens they must do C, but D happens.

And there was so much more but we don’t want to make this post too long! With that being said…now we have to actually get our loglines done this week. What about you guys? Any preparations for NaNo going on in your worlds?

*Don’t forget to check out Alicia’s Accountability Monday post this week!*

What We’re Into This Week: The Visit

In the hopes of trying to keep up with blogging after the end of RSW, we’ve decided to try and do a new weekly feature with Alicia. This feature will be something that we’re vibing on each week. It can be something BIG or small, dealing with writing or not, whatevs. Thus, this week, we’re into:

The BRILLIANT writing and pacing of the movie The Visit. If you haven’t seen this movie, GO SEE IT. We’re cheating a lil’ bit since we did see this movie over two weeks ago; however, it’s still on our minds. What does this mean? It was that GUD! The first thing we said to each other when we left? “UGH, that was the perfect plot for a book!” We really don’t want to give anything away so we’ll leave it at that, but for sure check out this trailer and then go and see the movie!

What are you into this week? Also, don’t forget to see what Alicia’s up to 🙂

Accountability Monday: NaNo Prep in September

To keep ourselves on task with all the things (outside of academia and our day jobs) we’ve decided to join in with Alicia and her accountability posts each Monday. Usually, we’ll share our successes and failures from the previous week and upcoming goals. If you too need something to keep yourself honest, feel free to join in.

This week we haven’t had much of a chance to work on writing or reading; however, we have been thinking a lot about NaNoWriMo. After trolling the internet, we came across this awesome post on YAtopia about how to successfully prepare for NaNo. Not only does this post give excellent pointers about preparing for NaNo ahead of time, but it also provides some insight on writing during the month of November if you don’t have a lot of time (something we have a little bit of experience with).

So, if you have time, check out Alicia’s accountability post as well as this NaNo prep post and let us know: are you planning for NaNo ahead of time?

7x7x7 Challenge: We’ve Been Tagged!

The amazing and talented Alicia tagged us last week in the 7-7-7 challenge and we are obliged to participate in this daunting task. What is it, you ask? Well, we have to post the 7th line on the 7th page of our WIPs, followed by the next 7 lines. Then, tag 7 other writers to take part in the challenge too. Easy, enough right? Yeah, right. Welp, here it goes!

Pam’s 7-7-7:

I’ve decided to include 7 lines from my WIP, Obligatory Black Girl. I’ve been having a love-hate relationship with this manuscript. I REALLY want to tell this story, but the stars don’t seem to align with HOW I’m telling it. Anyways, here we find my hypochondriac protagonist, Jordan (female, btw), once again paying a visit to the school nurse:

She walks over to her file cabinet and pulls out two random folders—one skinny, the other as hearty as a phone book. “You see this?” She holds up the thin folder. “This is the medical records of one of my seniors—a whole grade higher than you—and he has been diagnosed with asthma since fourth grade.” She lifts the other one and slightly groans under her breath. “This? This is yours.” She allows the folder to plop down on top of her desk and the framed picture of her Siamese cat topples face down. “’Nough said.”

I wrap my arms around each other. “I come here for proactive reasons.”

Quita’s 7-7-7:

I went with lines from a YA thriller (untitled) about a girl (Nia) who wants to clear the name of her ex-boyfriend who is accused of raping the “it” girl, her new best friend. She seeks out the help of another girl she left behind in middle school–who happened to have a crush on her back then.

He whimpers again, leans his forehead against mine. His skin is burning up—like that time he had a fever in third grade and I brought him homemade chicken noodle soup. Hot tears fall on my collarbone as his body shakes against mine. “I didn’t do anything with her. Someone set this up. Please. Believe me. Please,” he mutters.

This time I shush him. I rub his hair away from his sticky forehead “Just…what happened?” I ask, still trying my best to not look in Lindsey’s direction.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. One minute I’m downstairs laughing with Willie and the other guys. The next thing I know I’m up here waking up next to Lindsey. Like that.”

 *Disclaimer…we were a lil’ confused about the rules (sentences vs. lines) so forgive us if our count is off*

Okay, next step…who do we tag? Specifically, Racquel and anyone else who’d like to participate! Also, make sure you check out Alicia’s accountability post today. Homegirl is doing her thang! We are going to be blogging with her every Monday to stay motivated 🙂

What We’re Into This Week

In the hopes of trying to keep up with blogging after the end of RSW, we’ve decided to try and do a new weekly feature with Alicia. This feature will be something that we’re vibing on each week. It can be something BIG or small, dealing with writing or not, whatevs. Thus, this week, we’re into:

Nicola Yoon’s Everything, Everything debuting at # 1 on the New York Time’s Best Seller list!

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Why are we into this? Because it gives us HOPE! This means good diverse books really can reach all audiences. Take note, publishers.

**Also, speaking of Alicia, she’s tagged us in a 7x7x7 challenge and we shall accept and do our own lil’ spin on the challenge Monday. We know…you can’t wait!**

R.S.W! FINAL Check In

It’s not like we have enough to do, right? Right. So we’ve decided to join the Ready. Set. Write! crew this summer and set some realistic goals for ourselves. If you wanna play along click on the link above to venture to Katie Upperman’s blog (one of the hosts along with Alison Miller, Jamie Morrow, Erin Funk, and Elodie Nowodazkij) and find all the deets about the summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting, accountability, and camaraderie.

Although our summer officially ended last week, RSW has now marked the “end” of our writer-ly summer. Thus, it’s time for us to do our final RSW check-in. We figured we’d tell you all how we did on the goals we set at the VERY beginning of this journey back in June. And if we can comment freely, we’d like to say we handled these goals

Tee hee. So, seriously without further ado…

Pam’s Goals (and results) for Summer 2015:

  1. Finish revisions on my YA thriller, THROUGH OUR TEETH–> Completed and Awesome Agent-approved. CHECK! 🙂
  2. Write at least 15k words of a new WIP–> Who would’ve thought that revisions, traveling, working, and preparing to start a dissertation would leave such little time to write a first draft? Nonetheless, though I may not have written 15K, I’m at a good starting place to knock out this draft in time for NaNoWriMo!
  3. Read at least 5 books–> Sheesh, see response to goal number 2. BUT…I only fell one book short. This summer reminded me how essential reading is to my writing (as well as how much I love it), so I’ll certainly make reading a priority even during my fall semester.
  4. Exercise 3-4 times a week (including running!)–> I’d call this goal a win considering I even managed to exercise while on vacay. I need to go on with my bad self.
  5. Do something FUN or FOR MYSELF at least once each weekend–> This summer has been filled with wine and movies and concerts and museums, oh my. I think I balanced work and play well this summer–and I’d like to continue that during the school year.

Quita’s Goals (and results) for Summer 2015:

  1. Work on revisions of YA contemp novel, YOU WILL LOSE HIM–> After a very tumultuous on and off again love affair this summer, this was completed. I am now beginning to query this novel again 🙂
  2. Plot/ begin writing at least 10k of new WIP–> Some plotting occurred and I pretty much know my characters & what they want; however, I didn’t quite reach 10k. Alas, this can be my NaNo novel, riiiight?
  3. Read 4-5 books–> Read 3 and started the 4th this week…close, very close. I fear with the start of the school year my reading will suffer. I’m gonna work hard to find time to squeeze in reading. Promise.
  4. Less work, more play on the weekends (especially on Sunday) translation: force myself to relax–> I think I got in a lot of “play” this summer. Visiting another country, going to SCBWI, a winery, Busch Garden’s food & wine festival…there have been some fun times!
  5. Exercise at least three times a week (or as often as Pam makes me :/) –> I don’t think Pam and I have ever gone a week without exercising at least three times. This might be something that (again) will suffer due to school & all the things, but maybe we can keep it up. *wishful thinking*

All in all, we think we did pretty well this summer. Of course we didn’t reach some of our goals but if it weren’t for RSW, we’re pretty sure we wouldn’t have finished MOST of these! So, thank you all for holding us accountable, reading our posts, commenting, and being your general awesome selves! ‘Til next time 🙂