RTW: The Roof, the Roof, the Roof is on Fi-ya (and a winner)!

Saving Song of the Day: “Light My Fire” by The Doors

It’s been a minute, but we’re joining the lovely ladies of YA Highway for another Road Trip Wednesday. This week they want to know:
Your house is on fire and you can only grab 5 things. What are they?
This question is so unfair! But we still had fun compiling this list:
1. Our laptops. Are you kidding us? Our laptops have EVERYTHING: vacation photos, our iTunes playlists, and most important–OUR WRITING! These definitely will be the first things we look for in the midst of all that smoke.
2. Photo albums. Yeah, our laptops have a few photos, but the memories from our childhood are in the actual albums. Where else can you find Pam posing with her dad in Bart and Homer Simpson T-shirts…or Quita crying at her preschool graduation. (Side note: I SO wanted to post that, but Quita has threatened my life)
3. Tote bag of books. Okay, we cheated a little with this one. We couldn’t just choose ONE book, so we decided that we’d each have our own bag of our faves. For Pam, she’d have to have something from Ellen Hopkins, Courtney Summers, John Green, and Stephen King. For Quita, she’d grab books from Joyce Carol Oates, Blake Nelson, Laurie Halse Anderson, and Maggie Stiefvater.
4. Jewelry. Our class rings are completely irreplaceable–and so are our rings from Quita’s beloved dad, Duke.
5. Car keys. To get the hell away from the fire–duh!!
Whew, hard stuff, but what would YOU grab?
Oh wait! We have to announce our winner of the signed Brendan Halpin book, Notes From the Blender, as well as Fill in the Blank Plotting. And the winner is….

Congrats, Vivien! Expect an email from us shortly. 🙂

12 thoughts on “RTW: The Roof, the Roof, the Roof is on Fi-ya (and a winner)!

  1. I hemmed and hawed over bringing books, but it was between them and my daughter's favorite toys and well… the kiddo's got to come first. 🙂 Love your choices, girls!

  2. That IS HARD! I'd grab my netbook, my purse (which contains my three flash drives and my IPOD), AND AS MANY BOOKS AS POSSIBLE! Okay I cheated a bit with the purse but it would literally take one second to grab it! Fun Post. 🙂

  3. I thought about books too but I could never decide on which ones. Good one with the jewelry, I thought about that too. I didn't even think about my class ring, but that might be because I never take it off…

  4. Love the pic! And I just realized that our blog backgrounds now look the same. I'm in experimental mode.I would grab every single memento I could get my hands on. And the netbook. TOO much on there worth saving.

  5. Oh I forgot to get the rest of the books in a tote!!! Still I can live with The Outsiders and HP and the OOTP until I got away from the fire and erm… got settled and erm… bought more books XD

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